When we think of traditional Bulgarian food, one of our favorite classics is… ‘banitza’. Banitza is traditional pastry in Bulgaria made with rolled filo dough and filled with mixture of eggs, Bulgarian yogurt and white cheese. Similar pastry is found in other Balkan countries, too. As much as we love...

Българската роза отдавна е известна с нейните ароматни и маслодайни свойства. Малко известен факт обаче е, че тя има и уникални вкусови и функционални качества като ядливо цвете. И с малко въображение и доза познания, маслодайната роза дамасцена може да се трансформира в ключова съставка в храната.
Ние сме Ина и Роси и създадохме Rosey’s Mark, за да разкрием необятните възможности на българската ядлива роза.
Запознаваме те с тях чрез нашите продукти и чрез предложенията ни за вплитане на деликатния розов вкус в кулинарията. Заедно със съвременния прочит на нежния флорален вкус, разкриваме и функционалните ползи на розата за храносмилането, имунната система и красотата. Още една добра причина да включиш розата в твоето дневно меню.
The first time we heard of Rosey’s mark and their project for floral gastronomy from Bulgaria, we said to ourselves: Well done, someone finally made it! We are proud to be their partners.
In a perfect world everything would’ve been made of white chocolate and roses. But let’s get back to reality and thank the girls from Rosey’s mark for making their best so that life can become sweeter, combining high-quality chocolate and oil-bearing roses.
Hello, yesterday I received the jams I have ordered and I am already sorry that there were empty places in the carton box. All family members loved it! Congratulations for the idea and as twice as much congratulations for the realization. We wish you health and never-ending enthusiasm! Best regards.
Rosey’s mark products are real, natural, and it’s visible. It’s a true pleasure to work with them, to see every rose petal. We use the products through many different cooking techniques.
The first time we heard of Rosey’s mark and their project for floral gastronomy from Bulgaria, we said to ourselves: Well done, someone finally made it! We are proud to be their partners.