We Love Roses

Experience Rose-picking with Rosey’s Mark

3 exclusive days at the Rose Valley of Bulgaria, 23 - 26 May 2024

Edible roses for well-being from within

Not just a floral flavour, but a precious functional food ingredient

edible roses for well-being from within

Mission Edible Rose

NGO for the development of the Bulgarian rose as an edible flower was founded

Фондация Ядлива Роза - основатели

Romantic menu

selected recipes with roses

Романтично меню - избрани рецепти с роза

Functional food, balanced diet and how rose fits in

talking with the expert - Violeta Snegarova, md in gastroenterology

д-р Вили Снегарова

Traditional rose celebrations in Bulgaria

Visiting city of Karlovo

Празник на розата в Карлово

Guide to the perfect cup of rose tea

and why prepare it right now!

Rose tea - how to make it guide

Rose latte “Fire and Ice”

A song of flavors

The states of rose

The circle of taste

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